Sunday, May 31, 2009

I just finished a 6 + 11 hour flight (a brief stop in alaska) and am now in Taipei for 2 hours. It was a pretty relaxing flight. I slept most the way, but I was able to watch Paul Blart Mall cop. Most the food was Asian on the flight. Lots of tea and seafood soup and porridge. The Taipei airport looks nice, but it is 5:30am here so everything is closed. I should be in Jakarta in 5 or 6 hours.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Leaving Princeton/Newark Airport

I just took a 1 hour train ride from Princeton to Newark airport with Astrid. We have a 17 hour flight to Taipei (brief stop in Anchorage) and then a 5 hour flight to Jakarta. Evidently Jarkarta is 11 hours ahead. We have several days in Jakarta before going to Singapore. I am interested in seeing what these traffic jams are really like. This will be my first time setting foot in Asia.