Tuesday, June 2, 2009

2nd Day Jakarta

This morning I got a relatively standard breakfast of chicken noodle soup and noodles. After that we went to the driving range and hit a few balls for fun. The golf balls float and you just hit them into the water. In the afternoon I went with Astrid to the national museum which she had never been to. The entrance fee was 750 rupiah (about 7 cents). The museum artifacts and summaries from the various islands of Indonesia. It's known as the elephant museum for the sole fact that it has an elephant in front.
The traffic is pretty funny. Evidently most the intersections have no signs or traffic lights. Everyone just manages to barely get through the intersections. The car we were driving in has one of those beeping warnings when you are about to hit something (useful for parking). However, when the motor bikes drive by about 1 or 2 inches from the car, the beeping goes off. As a result, it just beeps a lot and is not that useful.
For dinner we had korean bbq which is where they grill some beef on a fire right on the table (I think my contacts came close to burning from the heat). You then put a chunk of the beef inside lettuce with sauce and a piece of garlic. Quite tasty! Finished off the day with a refreshing swim in the pool.

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