Wednesday, June 3, 2009

We started off the day with some golf. Everybody in Indonesia uses caddies when playing golf. They all had funny pink uniforms that covered them from the sun (see photo). We even saw a monkey climbing up a coconut tree on the course. I got pretty tired near the end and actually hit one ball backwards; didn't know that was possible. Afterward, Astrid forced me into a massage. It was my first massage, a bit painful, but otherwise fine. Then I walked around the Plaza Indonesia while she and her parents got haircuts.

While being left on my own, I ordered a mixed fruit juice. I picked the combination of fruits hastily, and the 2 employees really laughed a lot at what I ordered. They didn't think papaya and mangoes would taste good together, but it was fine. In the evening, I walked around a souvenir store for a long time. Astrid's mom was very excited about the shopping and had many suggestions, but there were so many cool trinkets it was hard to choose.

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