Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Astrid's uncle had an employee show us around Bali a bit so we got a more off the beaten track tour. The first day we went to the monkey forest. Astrid's parents strongly refused to going in because the monkey's are very mischievous. Her parents told me to watch out for my glasses because they like to grab shiny things. Astrid and I went in and there where hundreds of monkeys all over the trails. Many people were feeding them bananas, but we did not want to make them aggressive so we did not. I think I liked the monkey forest more than the others.

After that we saw the statue in progress of the Vishnu riding the Garuda, a mythical bird. It will be taller than the Statue of Liberty when it is done. Progress is currently halted because of funding. At the same location we saw kecak dancing which told a story from the Ramayana. Late that night we all had some freshly grilled fish and prawns on the beach front. The food was very warm and fresh. It was so dark that I couldn't see what I was eating, but it tasted great. We also drank from young coconuts with straws.

The second day we went to play golf at dreamland. The 14th and 15th wholes had great views of the beaches below. I think we all chose to rembember the scenery more than our scores, although Astrid's dad is quite good. We had lunch at Warung Made in Kuta beach. I had a mahi mahi sandwich.

The third day we all went on a big boat from the Quicksilver company and it took us to a small island called Nusa Lembongan where we could do several activities. We snorkelled and went in a semi submersible submarine to look at fish and went banana boating. The current was a bit strong for snorkelling.

The last day we drove north to an area near the active volcanos, Gunung Agung and Gunung Batur. More Details later...

View from hotel lobby.

The Monkey Forrest.
A view from the boat.
A view of the tuna from the semi submersible.
Terraced rice field.
Fresh fruit stop.
A view of Lake Batur and the active volcanos.
Legong Dancer.

Legong Dancer.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, beautiful pictures! Looks like you're having a great time. Love the monkeys.
